The righteous indignation is equal parts glorious and infuriating. Despite the Pickford and Richarlison challenges they were still the dirtier team on the day, yet there is absolutely no mention of it from their fans or the pundits. Mane tripping Mina for no reason and pretending he got kicked in the head to get Gomes sent off. Robertson purposely clipping Allan. They do this all the time yet get away with it unscathed.
I’m pleasantly surprised that winning goal was ruled offside, I genuinely could not tell from the one angle we got, but would not be surprised if Mane’s shoulder was just a bit past. Richarlison tackle deserved his red card and I’m hoping he gets just the one game and not three for dangerous play. The Pickford tackle I don’t think is a red card. He has his eye on the ball and the position of his legs is to block the low volley. It was bang bang with the ball and wasn’t too much past the play. With that said it would have been a pen if there was no offsides, and I would have no problem with a yellow for the follow through. But he’s a keeper, it can’t be judged like it would for an outfield player. I’ve got no issue with the decision or tackle by Pickford, though perhaps I should watch it back a few times. He still made me nervous but was massive most of the game.
Our midfield let us down today, too slow and sloppy. Thought Mina and Coleman were off the pace in the first half too. Brilliant balls by James and Digne as usual and what a brilliant header by Dom. Nervy but happy with the result.