For a starter , bring tosun on instead of Gordon when rondon got injured and go like for like when we were creating some threat.I defer to the GOT crowd's far greater knowledge of the game. What should the manager, any manager, have done differently in this match to change the outcome? Rafael may be crap, I dunno. What I see is Everton are simply out-classed, man for man, virtually everywhere on the pitch and on the bench, too. Just sucks.
Tough to imagine what you all go through. Three of my mates in town are RS supporters and they can be insufferable about the current state of affairs. I had to block their damned text messages.
Thank you. All very interesting tactical suggestions. May have worked, too, I dunno. Perhaps such moves affect the outcome of a game of football more than in other sports.For a starter , bring tosun on instead of Gordon when rondon got injured and go like for like when we were creating some threat.
Bring Delph on much earlier for Townsend and have a midfield 3 to suffocate them. Or start him , which is a little odd that he hasn't been making it on the despite being fit.
Given the changes he did make, the team should have dropped deeper and cut off the space that they had with Gordon/Richy/grey as a fast front 3 to counter. That would make Liverpool push back out and not overcommit , giving our midfield more space to get the ball into the wide areas with pace and stretch their full backs with their backs to our goal.
Just a few suggestions there.
Never been more embarrassed of my club. A board that is completely inept. A manager that nobody wants. Players who are hated by their own fans and no doubt share a disdain for us. Relegation is a real possibility with this group and manager.
Bet you feel pleased with yourself tonightColeman wearing a blindfold and using a crutch is a better option then Kenny. He was hopeless in Scotland playing against dross .
A fractured club from top to bottomSad that this is where we’re at….
4-1 defeat still woefulNo but he held the ball up nicely at times and helped out well defensively..............who else did we have? Apart from 2 kids that are probably league 1 standard currently. Can't have a dig at him tonight.