neck brace on, strapped onto stretcher, hozzy.
Finally Chermiti
Stop posting mateBig Dunc would have broken Gibb's skull
Hopefully just a concussion. Did really well when he came on, completely changed the game. Speedy recovery lad, we still need you.
I just messaged my mate that he looks like he's still living in Britpop eraLooks like Jay from the inbetweeners
Hopefully standard protocol.neck brace on, strapped onto stretcher, hozzy.
Ten minutes left here yet.
Nasty clash of heads, he went down immediately, face down and arms limp. Got him on a stretcher and neck braceWhat happened to Beto, I'm stuck in my hotel room.
Hope he’s ok. Moving? Hate stuff like this.
Really hope he's okay, listening on radio so didn't get to see how bad it was/is
What happened to Beto, I'm stuck in my hotel room.