And that the ref blew his whistle to bring it to an end.The brightside of that half is how confortable Galloway looks at leftback.
Looks like another gem of a young defender.
What do you think they were booing ffs?
Nobody can tell me Lukaku is worth the money we paid for him 1 good game in 7 is not acceptable in this league.
It's a bugbear of mine that folk seaparate league goals from other competitions, mate, that's all.Only league goals do count in the league. He mad 36 apps last season 34 as a starter and scored 8 from open play, I certainly wouldn't put any reliance on him, but mate that's my opinion and you have yours for me the lad can't control most balls into him, and has a 1 in 3.5 goals per prem lg game ratio from last season.