I can understand the squad in a state of transition. Broadly speaking there are some interesting young players that look to have upside in the future. That doesn't excuse the questionable recruitment and obvious misses also under Thelwell, but still. Young players will make errors or lack mental fortitude in games. Case and point is Patterson, possibly at fault for the first goal yet also showing moments that would make you excited for the future.
That said survival is important and this result shows we are clearly a bottom side. Although blame can be spread around my ire in these showings is predominantly on Frank. This team has from what I see has very limited patterns of play. Maybe more novice football watchers than I can suggests otherwise, but regardless of some better combinations in spurts the orient or purpose of such actions is almost never apparent. Overloading one side, scheming hold up and overlaps, having consistent approaches of attacking a specific link in the defense I am left amiss. Week after week it seems attempts come from anywhere with no incision. A quality that makes the games look like scrimmages with quality footballers. They don't seemed prepared for their specific competition which may reflect on their general lack of confidence another obvious weakness.
With isolated young players improving, if thats Lampard's doing that's credible as that is the future of the squad. That said the question on to what extent is he doing that exceptionally compared to counterparts is equally worth discussion. Or if its enough of a reason to sweat out possible relegation. Removed of that apparent area of strength I really dont see the additive tactical offerings of the manager and really haven't the majority of his tenure.