I know this thread is aimed at Blues' expectations on the field of play. But nobody wants a continuation of football without crowds for much longer. So what about the expectations of the fans who are currently locked out but will have read the latest government statements on a phased return of crowds to sporting events by October? We are told that a limited return will be in accordance with Covid 19 regulations. That includes social distancing, and so, apart from desperate attempts by clubs to accommodate social distancing by physical alterations to the seating etc, what will be the situation for fans aged 70 and over? I suggest an attempt will be made to reduce attendances by excluding over 70s from attending. No problem for me as I have already excluded myself (78). I have no idea what proportion over 70s are in terms of the fan base. The virus is probably here for a long time or for ever, but with comparatively little effect on the young. October is not far off and don't tell me that the clubs have not already made provisional plans.