I truly hate him. Wonder when he goes back and sees the City team on a match day and has a chat with Pep will he talk about his mother’s immune system?
Maybe when we’re playing Liverpool he can chat to Alisson about not being able to travel to his fathers funeral because of Covid, if only the idiots in charge knew that everyone’s immune system could just get rid of it, silly them.
I bet he also thinks his team mate James was a right fool for not seeing his family in a year because of this nonsense virus that obviously is nothing serious as our immune systems were designed to deal with it.
Ah well at the end of the day at least he’ll be able to play in front of fans this year, maybe even in front of some new faces as I think some season tickets may have opened up actually as some holders may have got very ill and died from Covid, clearly they just mustn’t have taking care of themselves like Fabian because after all his immune system could’ve taken care of it, why not theirs?
I quite frankly don’t care what it costs the club, I don’t care if we were sanctioned, I don’t care if it breached wages rules and we weren’t allowed to sign another player this window, get this stupid rat out of the club. The LITERAL MILLIONS OF PEOPLE who suffered as a result of this for this entitled millionaire to spout his idiotic rhetoric as if he’s just “throwing something out there”, he should be ashamed to show his baldy head in public.
I hope the next time he’s injured, there’s always gonna be a next time with him, that he just flat out refuses surgery and painkillers, the body is meant to repair itself over time after all why tamper with it.
I truly hope that there’s people at the club taking care of this right now, I do believe the likes of Seamus won’t stand for someone like him spreading this nonsense knowing full well there’s Evertonians out there dead because of this. A shame on the club to employ this scum for any amount of time longer.