noharmdone Requested to be banned November 27, 2013 #92 Duncan Disordely said: Chunk from The Goonies Click to expand... Speechless here..
Cena Player Valuation: £70m November 27, 2013 #95 Jay from Inbetweeners reeks of Kopite the little sh**house
Duncan Disordely Player Valuation: £35m November 27, 2013 #98 Judge Doom from Who Framed Rodger Rabbit Forrest Gump
noharmdone Requested to be banned November 27, 2013 #101 Burt Wards " Robin " from the original Batman series..
Moomin Player Valuation: £90m Forum Supporter November 27, 2013 #102 noharmdone said: Burt Wards " Robin " from the original Batman series.. Click to expand... Hahaha, angry little [Poor language removed] him.
noharmdone said: Burt Wards " Robin " from the original Batman series.. Click to expand... Hahaha, angry little [Poor language removed] him.