Sometimes I pretend to be a transgender so I can take hangover craps in the women’s bathroom so they all feel as bad as I do. And then they are like ‘hey a man can’t be in here’ and I’m like ‘ma’am how dare you assume my gender I identify as a woman.’ And then a kid walks in and says ‘mommy how dare you assume somebody else’s gender, this is clearly a woman or he wouldn’t be in here. You are so 2000 and late mommy I hate you and can’t wait until they put you in jail. And everyone is kind of gagging because the smell of my hungover crap is getting thicker by the second and then the mom is like ‘oh my god I didn’t realise I raised such a PC lil brat Casamandalily you are so terrible’ and then she like rose her hand to hit her daughter but I moved as quick as a ninja and grabbed her hand and said ‘not today’ and I pushed her away and she fell straight into the toilet and because the flush was particularly poor my ebullience was still in the pan and it smeared on her head and then a policewoman cane in and was like ‘what is going on in here?’ and before I could even start the little girl said ‘my mommy made a hate crime against this fine lady and then she tried to hit me for telling her that she was wrong, but the lady saved me and then my mom decided to engage in corpophila’ and the police woman said right I have heard enough and I assume she made that bad smell so I’m taking her right to jail life.’Then everyone cheered and high fived .