On the subject of "shoes of brown" he is the only manager who tried something different and like him or loathe him it worked.
Some say he couldn't marshal a defence which inevitably sowed the seeds of his downfall my view is different he just didn't have the dough to completely disinfect the squad of the ageing Moyes squad and fill it with equivalents or better. Bringing in decent footballers happy with an attacking strategy would likely have made a huge difference both on the pitch and off the pitch some Moyes recruits clearly weren't on board with the Martinez strategy and it showed. It was a festering boil that needed lancing.
The fact his financial constraints ended up with a McCready on board speaks volumes.
Loved Bobbys courage in trying to grasp NSNO and delighted at how well he's done at Belgium but he would be mad to return - never go back.
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