In effect we signed Barry at the start of last season on a one year deal agreeing that we would pay a ~2m fee dependant on us extending his contract.I agree with Everton dragging this out.
Arsenal could sign him for free for 2 years on 70k a week.
We have to pay City 2 million plus GB 60k + a week over 3 years. That is a commitment of over 10million with no resale value, very good player that he is that is alot of money for us.We could potentially sign Besic for example for 4 million on 30k a week who is almost half his age and would potentially increase in value offering us a chance to grow as a team or sell to recuperate funds.
I would love Barry back here but not for the money being touted currently.
Sure we can now quibble at the legal niceties and we might even win. But if we do why would any club that is considering a loan or loan to buy arrangement with us have any faith that we will keep our side of the deal? Martinez has stated that loans are going to be a key part of filling out our squad - it is important the clubs that are prepared to loan us players trust us.
We should either decide Barry is worth the money and pay up, or that he isn't and go for alternatives like Besic, rather than try to weasel our way out of a deal we agreed.