It's the cumulative effect on our PR standing that is important, not necessarily the individual event. They all add up. How are you meant to establish a brand if you're doing stupid things like releasing embarrassing crests, stupid blogs, bitching at fans on forums for proudly displaying the badge in avatars, botched stadia initiatives and failed commercial expansions to name just a few off the top of my head.
There just seems to be no accountability for brand management at the club at all. Every time there's a screw up it's a case of "oh well, what else is new?"
A proper PR guy would have noticed this error and set about establishing the tone in the media. They would have pro-actively contacted the media and provided a humorous soundbyte to make the tone one of humour instead of incompetence.
This stuff happens mate, happens every day in big companies over the world. Is it regrettable? Yeah it is. But you're too into the "brand" thing, it's a football club too like and I doubt there'll be too many people genuinely arsed by it so it will have zero effect on the business.
Its a daft employee mistake, nothing more, with no real negative effect on anything.
Enjoy your summer's day.