@chicoazul - stop winding up new antipodean members.why would kiwis apologise for something the english done over 100 years ago? who gives a [Poor language removed], i don't really want to comment on the topic any longer, it shouldnt even be a topic. It's a moment in history, just like every other planned takeover in the history of the world. The English were better equipped, they had much better weaponry and they had land to obtain. They took over, end of story.
I don't want to offend any of my people, but in all seriousness, move on. An apology is an apology, but it doesn't mean it never happened. Like I said, im 3rd Gen, MY mums 2nd Gen, and my g'dad 1st Gen, He was taken from his family at 7 and never seen them again, they were probably murdered the day he was taken. I have no family tree, I have no history and it sucks. But what the [Poor language removed] is an apology going to change? Ive got no doubt the majority of white Australians are sorry for what happened. The majority of the human race that knows what happened is probably sorry for what happened. Im sorry for what happened to the jewish in nazi germany, im sorry for the black americans in the times of the KKK etc. The problem is, there are a small minority of abos that want to use their history as an excuse to get drunk everyday at the expense of the tax payer, and thats weak as piss.
It seems a few of the lads on here are a little confused, or just go off what they read in the papers. Talk to real abos that have grown up in democratic Australia and worked just as hard as a white fella. They will all teach you a very simple lesson - regardless of what happens in life, to you, your family, your race, your culture, your country... if you keep your chin up, have a plan, love your mama and work hard, you wont have time to listen to every other prick crying 'Poor me'. I've been too busy watching my son grow up and my family blossom to care about some white fella apologising for something he didn't even do.
@MelbourneToff - please don't swear.