Goodison Park : New Exterior.

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Just whizzed past. Will go past again later and get additional pics.
I think anyone suggesting this makeover means the new stadium is on the backburner is a million miles off. Whilst the cladding and the wraparound will smarten the place up, it's hardly a "forever" solution. Those banners will look tired after a few years which will hopefully be all we need to get the new ground sorted
I think anyone suggesting this makeover means the new stadium is on the backburner is a million miles off. Whilst the cladding and the wraparound will smarten the place up, it's hardly a "forever" solution. Those banners will look tired after a few years which will hopefully be all we need to get the new ground sorted
Who in their right mind would say this?

Who in their right mind would say this?

Can't be bothered going through the thread to pick out every example, but here's one comment from page 13...

Call me sceptical but why are we bothering to rename our stands and spend any money on the old lady when we, apparently, have a new stadium in the near future?

The cladding? Fair enough you could argue, it makes it looks nicer and hopefully blocks out that hideous tumor now on the side of the RS pit

But to name a stand after legends only to bulldoze them 18 months later? Surely no-one could be that short sighted

I think that there were certainly some blues who couldn't get their heads around the fact that we are tidying up the outside of Goodison after years of allowing the ground to get tattier and tattier. Then the question was why would be finally be doing this if we are moving in a few years time
Can't be bothered going through the thread to pick out every example, but here's one comment from page 13...

I think that there were certainly some blues who couldn't get their heads around the fact that we are tidying up the outside of Goodison after years of allowing the ground to get tattier and tattier. Then the question was why would be finally be doing this if we are moving in a few years time
Tbf, I've no idea why we added Howard and Philip Carter's names to two well known stands.

When we move, we are going to need names for the stands and sections, I'd have saved it until then.

Probably go Kendall, Harvey, Ball and Dixie Dean.

Philip Carter Lounge etc.
I think anyone suggesting this makeover means the new stadium is on the backburner is a million miles off. Whilst the cladding and the wraparound will smarten the place up, it's hardly a "forever" solution. Those banners will look tired after a few years which will hopefully be all we need to get the new ground sorted

i think the exact opposite, shows moshiris wants to make things happen..he could have not bothered with this cladding but shows he even wants the current stadium to look good before we move to the new one

I think we're in agreement here lads. I was just pointing out that there were one or two questioning the logic of throwing any money at Goodison if we were really moving
Really coming along now. Reckon they may have the wrap on the MS finished for the match on Sunday. The old girl is going to look smart when it's all finished ;)

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