I am good today sir.How's your day been?
I am good today sir.How's your day been?
Oh dear me mate,Yes off and on- back gone worse!
oftyen happens with backs you think its cleared up and the next day back to square one - anyway just had pineapple slices oven ham joint slices, and some rosties for tea -Carlos what did you have for tea?Oh dear me mate,
Shepherds pie mate.oftyen happens with backs you think its cleared up and the next day back to square one - anyway just had pineapple slices oven ham joint slices, and some rosties for tea -Carlos what did you have for tea?
Nice - homemade?Shepherds pie mate.
No mateNice - homemade?
Still if it was nice that's all that matters - some good things out there nowadays Home bargain do foodoutlets on one side of their big shops now!No mate
Nice oneStill if it was nice that's all that matters - some good things out there nowadays Home bargain do foodoutlets on one side of their big shops now!
I am good today mateHow's it going
Shropshire Wales been raining all day mate.What's the weather like back home,were about do you live Carlos
No mateI thought you lived in Liverpool for some reason
Are you into the rugbyShropshire Wales been raining all day mate.