Welcome dude
Haha, oh man. Still reeling from Sunday, I was there and it was such a fun atmosphere. Result didn't go our way but you guys needed the points desperately and it'll make the last 7 games way more interesting. Yeah I live in PDX, absolutely love it, going to check out the Oregon Evertonian group whenever I have a Saturday/Sunday morning off.
65K rabid fans always makes for a wild atmosphere. I missed the game as I was golfing, but it sounded like you guys pretty much battered us on our home field and we were quite lucky to get the win. I've moved to the Bay Area, so I don't to games very often anymore. Always a good time.
I lived off of NW 21st and Hoyt. My favorite neighborhood that I've ever lived in. Absolutely loved it there. I love that a lot of people don't know how boss Portland of the great American secrets IMO.
Ew, no way. Jalapenos and chicken, yes.