Growing up in north Wales for most of us it was always a choice of red or blue. A few weirdos would go for Utd and random London teams after they played in the FA Cup Final.
My uncle who was a blue had moved to work in Fords at Halewood in the late 60's and married a girl from Anfield. Her family were all reds, of which more later. He used to send me all the Everton home game programmes, so getting to Goodison soon became the mission. I woud have been 12 in 1971 when I first got the Crosville bus on my own from our village in north Wales to Skelhorne St where he met me, for a game against Tottenham. Culture shock or what !
After being dragged on a tour of boozers we end up queuing to get in and I hear my uncle and his local (what I now know to be the definition of scally) mate, talking about the tickets (the comp in my avtar) He had 2 of them and tore one in half, walked up to the turnstile, showed what now looked like 3 and in to the new main stand we went. Can't remember much about the game but I do remember that it kicked off big time in the Street end.
After the match and a few more boozers we head back to their place which was a flat above a laundrette surrounded by bombed out / demolished houses, my education continued when I was left for the night with his mate's teenage sons whilst the parents all went off and partied........the lads obviously knew the score and the flat soon filled with female friends. My education was deffo accelerated that night ! The trips on the Crosville bus and my continuing "education" became a regular thing from then on.
Some years later my uncle moved to work in a car plant in Ireland. Every summer he would bring over all his wife's kopite brothers' kids for a holiday and give them a fantastic time. When it came time for them to go home he would ask if they wanted to come again the next summer. Their answer was obvious. The one condition he would make was that they must support Everton and never go to a game at Anfield. That big family of reds soon had a brood of fanatical blue converts which was the source of much mirth for years to come