Any excuse to repost one of my favourite bits of stand-up of all time:
"Nationalism does nothing but teach you to hate people you’ve never met.
All of a sudden you take pride in accomplishments you had no part in whatsoever.
If you’re American you’ll go, ‘F- the French. If we hadn’t saved their asses in World War II, they’d be speaking German right now.’
And you go, ‘Oh, was that us?’ Was that me and you, Tommy? We saved the French?
Jesus. I know I blacked out a little after that fourth shot of Jägermeister last night, but I don’t remember… I know we were going through the Wendy’s drive-thru to get one of them ‘Freshetta’ sandwiches that looked so alluring on the commercial, but then we ordered it and realized we had no money, and we had to ditch out before the second window, and those douche-bags in line behind us with the bass music probably got our order and we laughed about that.
But I don’t remember saving the French at all.
I went through the last ten calls on my cell phone and there’s nothing from the French, looking for muscle on a project. I checked my pants; there’s no mud stains on the knees from when we were garroting Krauts in the trenches at Verdun. I think *we* didn’t do anything but watch sports bloopers while we got hammered. I think *we* should shut the f- up."