Generally speaking that's a big part of being a professional footballer. Get's a bit confusing not wearing a specific costume unless you're playing shirts and skins. There is a demand to wear logos of alcoholic products, gambling firms and firms who practice exploitative financial products.
If a footballer refuses to play a match because there is pro LGBTQ+ on the back then fair enough. For me that's a clear lack of commitment to the club, their teammates, the supporters and a firm acknowledgement that they are all less important than that players homophobia, or alternatively, that player's massive crippling anxiety about wearing something they deem emasculating. An exclusively religious reason is demonstrably false given the players past acceptance and choice to move to a club wearing logos or symbols that are clearly Haram.
Either way for me it's a shirking of responsibility as a player and lack of commitment to the club that I'd prefer not to see encouraged.
It in no way equates to "gays being forced to wear Christian costumes in Senegal".