If anyone is interested anymore // Seamus drawing

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You think? I did want something different. Just going to have to make it work better next time but :D thank you, I shall keep that in mind :)

Your shading is actually immense as well, you can handle big action scenes for deffosure.

I suggest Tim J Cahill leaping to head a ball, with his eyes closed and little bits of moisture pinging off individual hairs on his head.
Your shading is actually immense as well, you can handle big action scenes for deffosure.

I suggest Tim J Cahill leaping to head a ball, with his eyes closed and little bits of moisture pinging off individual hairs on his head.

Yeah, I'll, take that in mind.....haha :p

Wow!!!! That's some talent you got there!

I think Seamus is going to be a BIG DEAL for the Irish national team some day - a big star. His soccer brain at an early age, his pace and his leadership on the pitch - good stuff. Keep on painting, cause I think he's just going to get more popular!

Awsome stuff mate, you should get in touch with the club and see would they be intrested for the mega store and Everton 2. Seriously!

I don't have the confidence to do that. I'm just little Hsd drawing some pretty people :p
I don't have the confidence to do that. I'm just little Hsd drawing some pretty people :p

Thats a pity mate, i know how persoanal a talent like yours is and the enjoyment you must get from it, but honestly your missing a trick id buy one (more) in the club shop! Demand and supply mate!

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