Confirmed Signing Iliman Ndiaye

You have a habit of annoying folk in player threads. Amazing work.

Thought you'd been banned and re-emerged with multis at least twice?

Anyway, Doucoure couldn't trap a bag of cement, but he's our totemic point snaffling galoot.

what can i say, people are really sensitive.

and no mate, but funnily enough i did see a thread in which someone ( maybe you? ) accused a new poster of being me, was quite funny tbh.

and see we can agree on things, hope the new lad can do the basics that doucs can't!

I notice you haven’t specified which club he’s being announced to.


What is going on? 😂 thought we'd have the kits too, by now.
Must be waiting on a big signing for a double announcement... 🤞
