It was written that he would come. He's here. Things won't be the same again. Massive fan here @iamEverton man.
For a new member you seem to have a pretty good recollection of my previous posts. Not strange at all......Ash take your pity party elsewhere. Stop throwing shade on my thread bro. Boo hoo somebody dislikes my post!!!! Lmao. The internet bullies are out to get me!!! Bahahahaha.
Sore bum mate?
In what way? Influences like in life, sports, career, educational? Personal life? I didn't have any role models because my father died the day before my fifth birthday. My mom showed me what not to do when faced with tragedy and adversity. I figured it was better just to be one myself. Most of the people I liked were just Professional Athletes who i didn't know personally. There was this old school tough guy neighbor who mentored me a little who i take after. I'm not your typical bloke there's something different about me. I was raised by the wolves and I'm trying to comeback leading the pack. Without getting all religious because I have serious doubts about the one i was raised into. I would say the only role model a man needs is Jesus Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Love, Faith in a better tomorrow love and help thy neighbor and hope that we all reap what we sow. To be pure in heart and all intentions. I feel like after my mission to Africa with my two football teammates just over a year and 4 months ago life has been blessing me in so many ways. I Feel like God whomever put me here on this planet for a mission a goal for a purpose for the greater good. View attachment 36378 View attachment 36379
Ash, the lad isn't a multi.For a new member you seem to have a pretty good recollection of my previous posts. Not strange at all......
But sod it, apparently I'm attention seeking or crying or whatever. That's the usual tagline.
For a new member you seem to have a pretty good recollection of my previous posts. Not strange at all......
But sod it, apparently I'm attention seeking or crying or whatever. That's the usual tagline.
For a new member you seem to have a pretty good recollection of my previous posts. Not strange at all......
But sod it, apparently I'm attention seeking or crying or whatever. That's the usual tagline.
For a new member you seem to have a pretty good recollection of my previous posts. Not strange at all......
But sod it, apparently I'm attention seeking or crying or whatever. That's the usual tagline.