Is it time for us to replace Howard?

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I think there is a bit of an overreaction going on here. Not saying his has been great but our defense has been the culprit, with distin being exceptionally poor. What was he doing?
I am of the belief that he is good.

Getting a really, really good keeper is so hard. Getting a top, focused athlete who never calls in sick is just part of the job description, which Howard fills nicely.

I don't think he is better than Martyn or Southall, but i believe he is good, as in good enough, and spending big to get a better guy is a big, big ask.
Is there a goalkeeper in MLS right now good enough for us? Just thought of this crazy idea of swapping Howard directly for them?

Americans have made a fair few good goalkeepers and they'd probably bite our hands off to have Howard represent the league over there after his World Cup exploits.

Personally, I would swerve another American keeper if at all possible.

Robles should have been given a game yesterday. He wasn't. Howard was poor again. So Robles should be given a game against City then, though I doubt he will as that would be publicly admitting that he thinks Howard has been turd.

Just curious, why? Goalkeepers are the only position we've actually produced quality at.

Interesting bit on it:

I sometimes wonder just what TH is thinking about, he seems to lose concentration too easily and you can't have that in the last line of defence. And he is a terrible time waster, and worse still when we need him to shake his tail and get a move on. Maybe in ten years time when there is massively more competition, you good ol' boys across the pond will really, really produce a true game-winning keeper. I've no doubt that if the US really invests in soccer as you choose to call it, you could/will be serious World Cup contenders within a decade... and then, I'll be happy to reconsider.
I sometimes wonder just what TH is thinking about, he seems to lose concentration too easily and you can't have that in the last line of defence. And he is a terrible time waster, and worse still when we need him to shake his tail and get a move on. Maybe in ten years time when there is massively more competition, you good ol' boys across the pond will really, really produce a true game-winning keeper. I've no doubt that if the US really invests in soccer as you choose to call it, you could/will be serious World Cup contenders within a decade... and then, I'll be happy to reconsider.
Despite rising popularity, we are nowhere near investing in the sport compared to other countries. Much of America still views it as a diving/sissy/girly/boring sport. Unfortunately, the play acting that often goes on in the World Cups does not help this notion.

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