It really is that simple, too bad the FA won't act.

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What ALWAYS gets my goat, is that when a team time wastes at 1-0 ahead, and then goes 2-1 down. ALL the time added for them time wasting should be removed.
The worst saying of the lot is "at that speed, the slightest contact is enough to go down"

Watch footage of Maradona or Best. They got lumps kicked out of them and stayed on their feet. Look at Messi too for that matter.

People need to stop trying to justify cheating.
ive seen a lot on tv defending saurez tbh and saying it was a pen. i dont agree.
the keeper was stupid and didnt need to make the save , but he did .
if you look at it - the keeper goes for the ball not the player.
the ball may have gone round the keeper but saurez made no attempt too , he went straight at the keeper.
not only was he looking to draw the foul with no effort to miss it , the contact was minimal if at all.

imo liverpool have a point they shouldnt have , villa were robbed of 3 points and suarez deserved a yellow to unsporting behaviour.

if the score was reversed and that was agbonlahor in the liverpool box , not a chance it would have been given.

dirty cheats ! if there was any justice we will proper hammer them in the derby
ive seen a lot on tv defending saurez tbh and saying it was a pen. i dont agree.
the keeper was stupid and didnt need to make the save , but he did .
if you look at it - the keeper goes for the ball not the player.
the ball may have gone round the keeper but saurez made no attempt too , he went straight at the keeper.
not only was he looking to draw the foul with no effort to miss it , the contact was minimal if at all.

imo liverpool have a point they shouldnt have , villa were robbed of 3 points and suarez deserved a yellow to unsporting behaviour.

if the score was reversed and that was agbonlahor in the liverpool box , not a chance it would have been given.

dirty cheats ! if there was any justice we will proper hammer them in the derby

Is there a ref out there who will give us a fair shake in the Derby, think they are all Kopites tbh

What has really annoyed me is Jamie Redknapp's view on the Suarez dive.

He said that there is contact. While it may be minimal and negligible, there is still contact which means he isn't diving, which means it is a penalty.

What an idiot. If someone pokes you and you fall to the floor, the referee will tell you to get up. The crowd will laugh at you. Hang on, there was contact, so you're not diving, right? Wrong. It's diving because you're falling of your own accord. That is what Suarez did. There is no way that Guzan played any part in Suarez going to ground. I don't care how fast he was going, I don't care if "there was mud flying up so it's obviously force" (like seriously, how f*cking stupid can you be Redknapp), Suarez threw himself to the ground.
What Suarez did is called simulation. He simulated a contact that carried more force that the contact that existed.

Simulation in the rule book, is cheating.

Diving, is when no contact at all is made. Also in the rule book as cheating.

So from this, by very virtue of the fact that nobody has asked the likes of Hansen and Shearer if Suarez's penalty was simulation, they think they can take the moral high ground and say, "he didn't dive" which in all seriousness, maybe he didn't. What he did do was simulation.

Nobody has asked that though.
One thing I hate is even when a player gets caught diving they only get shown a yellow card, this is fair enough if the dive takes place in the middle of the pitch but if a player dives in or around the penalty area or when the defensive victim of the dive is the last man the dive should be treated as a professional foul and a straight red awarded. I reckon this small change would at least stamp out diving for pens.
The worst saying of the lot is "at that speed, the slightest contact is enough to go down"

Watch footage of Maradona or Best. They got lumps kicked out of them and stayed on their feet. Look at Messi too for that matter.

People need to stop trying to justify cheating.

Yes, yes, yes. The worst part is when they could stay on their feet and go in on goal, but still settle for going down to get a free kick.

And the part that really gets me angry, as has been mentioned, is when these guys go down and roll around like a sniper got them. It's unmanly.

Bill's right. Review them all, and hand out cards for diving. The refs have a tough job. It's full speed and if you're angle isn't spot on it's hard to tell. Guys like Surez have turned it into an art form. So I'm not totally blaming the refs here.
Referee's should be reminded that contact in itself is not a 'foul' even when a player decides to go down because he'd much prefer a freekick/penalty to the position he'd end up in if he stayed on his feet.

right idea, wrong interpretation.

why should it be different inside the box and outside?

if you have baines lining up a free kick on the edge of the box that's every bit more a goalscoring opportunity than a pen. 5 game for every dive wherever on the park.

don't give a **** if you end up with 6 players suspended for specific matches, it's what will come with the job of managing 6 cheats.

next time the player does it 6 games etc. keep on going. a cheat is a cheat, no matter where on the pitch it is. let's have this game be a proper man's game male football is suppose to be, rather than having 22 fannys falling over everywhere.

virtually every free-kick these days is a dive, just because there's contact, doesn't mean it's not a dive, brought about because players feel the need to go down to get the decision. The refs need to take the blame in this instance because you do see circumstances where genuine fouls are not given because the player hasn't gone down. But you do see players like pienaar who win a lot of free-kicks but if we're honest, most are dives.

suppose it's too much to ask for these to be rewarding of punishment because it will be too difficult to tell, but if we're agreed that video tech can not be used for such things in games severe punishments will go some way to cut it down. Just have to get some referees with balls who won't blow for such fouls where it is clear that the player could actually stay on their feet and will probably gain more from staying on their feet.

Ref's do have some sort of power atm now though, the question that begs to be asked is why do they only produce yellows when it's in the box? that's not the rule is it? you see them judging dives all the time with no punishment, doesn't make sense to me.
Yeah the corner situation is a sham at the moment. Likewise goalkeepers can do far more than any other player in terms of contact with an opponent, yet they're also protected far more than any other player.

Did you see that blatant push on Bony by Dawson (as Bony jumped to head from a corner) yesterday? The ref was right in line too. Disgraceful that he did nothing. It's because they are allowed to get away with it that they keep on doing it.
Did you see that blatant push on Bony by Dawson (as Bony jumped to head from a corner) yesterday? The ref was right in line too. Disgraceful that he did nothing. It's because they are allowed to get away with it that they keep on doing it.

Yeah absolute joke. Wouldn't want that game to reff us anytime soon. Especially in a big game like say the derby....wait a minute....ffs
Well put TX Bill
I'm a long-time lurker but v rarely post anything. With the first post you just became my favourite poster.
Sometimes I look at RAWK and Redcafe just for amusement more than anything - RAWK in particular is just vile and hateful. And this thread and GOT in general just confirms even more how special Everton and Evertonians are. We really are a club with class, tradition and values.

I also hate the way the BBC and other media refer to it as 'winning a penalty', basically condoning diving.
I don't see how most incidents could be reviewed by a panel really, its all far too subjective. At best they could only pick out incidents where there is zero contact or when you can clearly see the player start to dive before the contact is made. You could pick out nonsense like faking injury which is easier to show, such as the Rivaldo one from 2002.

Contact itself is not a foul, but when judging by replay its impossible to definitively say that whatever contact was made was enough to trip the player or not. Remember all the Andy Johnson "he goes at such speed into the box so a slight touch will knock him over" arguments?

In general though it's all a result of Fifa looking to give the benefit and advantage to attacking over defending. It is in some ways like a different sport now, and it's just the way it is. I can't see it being changed back. It's no surprise that there is, and has been for some years, a real dearth of top quality defenders.

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