Player Valuation: £35m
That photographer could be doing something for EFC tv or anything club related.
Don't see that as a sign of moving on.
Don't see that as a sign of moving on.
He's off to do his "milkman" rounds. The photographer is from Razzle and not transfer related!Anyone see that then on SSN? Distin leaving FF with a photographer in his car
Looks like this one might have some legs mate. Don't know if that means Bobby's found someone to replace him though.
But we need players..... Or r we just a selling club now??
We are after blackett from united if dustbin goesAnyone see that then on SSN? Distin leaving FF with a photographer in his car
Think that'd be a non starter, he's been playing a fair bit for United.We are after blackett from united if dustbin goes
Someone exile me please. It means I wont refresh this thread and futher depress myself. Can I have a 'one match ban'?
We can threadban you mate so you cannot contribute and/or see the thread
To be fair mate, if you're looking for in depth, cutting edge journalism and absolute concrete stories then you're in the wrong place. Most folks in here are desperate, like you, for a bit of news. Gotta do summat to kill the hours though... Go with the flow.
Jesus mate, lighten up. The January transfer window is inherently stupid. There are other far more legitimate sources of information if you would care to google them. You can find out more about our imminent purchase of Scott Dann for 6 million, a real bargain if you ask me.
Exactly. If you're coming here to find out stuff then you're insane.
Shouldn't have to apologise for having some fun.
Do we need defenders in Bobs big plan?
Scenes if Distin goes, decent servant but he's deadwood and he needs replacing.