He's 18
If you're good enough, you're old enough
What Connor said
I'd take 18 year old Davies over Gibson or The Clev
He's 18
If you're good enough, you're old enough
What makes you think Gibson will be fit? Genuine question.
What Connor said
I'd take 18 year old Davies over Gibson or The Clev
Hey, i'm just saying he's 18 years of age.
mate - i'm fast approaching 40 and haven't played football (with the exception of the odd kick about with the kid) for nearly 17 years but i'm pretty certain i'd be a better option than Cleverley and Gibbo.What Connor said
I'd take 18 year old Davies over Gibson or The Clev
Have you seen his socks.
He's 18
At what point do we trust them to play a game though? It'll do his development more harm to leave him in the reserves for another 2 years than it would to start giving him minutes now.
At what point do we trust them to play a game though? It'll do his development more harm to leave him in the reserves for another 2 years than it would to start giving him minutes now.
33 mate. when they turn 33
True but he's still worth a shout for a game or two, especially with Guye not being there. Same with Liam Walsh too, but obviously not together. It's not as if the others have been impressing. Also Barry is being overplayed and it's beginning to show.Hey, i'm just saying he's 18 years old.
he'll be at sunderland then mate.We'll still be getting told Barkley is a kid learning the game when he's that age.
True but he's still worth a shout for a game or two, especially with Guye not being there. Same with Liam Walsh too, but obviously not together. It's not as if the others have been impressing. Also Barry is being overplayed and it's beginning to show.