Besic- the less we see of him the better he gets- He is crap, time to offloadBesic is the best dm we have
An extended run in the team and we'll see more man city style running of games
Besic- the less we see of him the better he gets- He is crap, time to offloadBesic is the best dm we have
An extended run in the team and we'll see more man city style running of games
he has noexperience comparatively as a dm. There's no way he'll keep Gueye out the side if we need a dmBesic is the best dm we have
An extended run in the team and we'll see more man city style running of games
Besic- the less we see of him the better he gets- He is crap, time to offload
Think he'll make his mind up if he's been involved in the first three games. Could be a deadline day move if he isn't playing.Is the Mata chance back on, any indication that Mourinho wants rid.
Besic- the less we see of him the better he gets- He is crap, time to offload
Seeing the latest @The Esk claims, decided to re-open this thread
When I got home tonight, Tiddles the cat seemed to indicate our interest in Mata might be dependent on the Stones deal going through.
Well, she purred a lot when I showed her a pic of Mata so I think that's what she was trying to tell me![]()
You can mock, but me and Tiddles go back a long way !!Do you buy fortune cookies as well?![]()