Don't get a Season ticket mate,you wouldn't like it, honest.Big laughs at all those mugs who ever thought Mata was coming to Everton.
Everton are not signing any marquee players.
Believe it.
GUEYE.Whats the Mata you?
Gotta no respect.
Almost like he is playing him and waiting for him to make any error so he can claim he is not what he wants/needs.Jeez, a ringing endorsement that aint
Sake BillI'm blaming Bill for this. Can't be arsed to find someone new to blame. So koff Bill.
Mata isnt even any good, hes just a little dwarf midget that had a good 6months abar 5 years ago, but the FIFA loving virgins think hes some kind of marquee signing cos he writes a blog.
OkBig laughs at all those mugs who ever thought Mata was coming to Everton.
Everton are not signing any marquee players.
Believe it.