Player Valuation: £8m
All you need is this page opened (use google translate when a new comes out) https://twitter.com/#!/search/realtime/Μιραλάς
Dont be like that mate just because i wont accept mediocrity!
They played the Arsenal card trick superbly. I bet Kevin and his agent got a few quid extra.
Well played, I'd do the same.
Christ - I just posted a rumour tweet. Someone neg me. I'm an embarrassment.
Post deleted. Premature fapping created a blind spot right in the middle of the screen.
Clearly just a guess. Betting we hear nothing
All you need is this page opened (use google translate when a new comes out) https://twitter.com/#!/search/realtime/Μιραλάς
If he goes on to be a boss player for us I doubt we're going to care about an extra £500K or whatever.
If he goes on to be a boss player for another club because we wouldn't pay the extra bit of cash, then we most definitely will care.