I am surprised, to an extent by the comments, but I think they might do some good. At the moment, he's looking like a great player, but can't seem to finish 90 mins. He'd given up defending by 80 on Sunday. Why? Was he tired or was it a case of shirking responsibility, or both? As I think Davek said the other day, he was sprinting up the other end after 80 mins, which makes you wonder why we didn't see him making more of a defensive effort.
This sounds like a challenge from Moyes to prove him wrong. I think the lid's ego (possibly) needs to be kept in check to an extent *looks at gold Bentley* and from watching him, I get the faintest impression of just a hint of that Suarez attitude which reacts to criticism with big performances. (No, I'm not insinuating he's a horrible little racist snide).
I'm not saying he's a prima donna by any stretch, but MAYBE in games like Spurs and City, where the onus is on us to defend, he needs to be prepared to muck in and do the dirty work and not think he's above it in any way, as well as score boss sexy goals. Suarez does it (he knows this only too well ffs), so why shouldn't Kev? I'm NOT having a go, but I do think he looks like he could do with some toughening up and a little bit of riling up. Criticism seems to have worked wonders for players like Suarez.