Yes, for legal reasons alls I'll say is you have a point. I always wondered how he could afford those hand made Italian leather shoes and the lessons that made him a boss dancer.There are some murky deals in during the Maritnez reign this is another.
Why? I suposse getting good money for doing nothing is not the worst kind of situation.Feel so bad for the kid really. What an awful time he's had. Hope he finds the right move soon.
Looking forward to see how Leandro gets on as our main striker next season
Hearing he's been given the #9 shirt.
Him and Oumar tearing it up next seasonLooking forward to see how Leandro gets on as our main striker next season
Being fed by Tarashaj.Him and Oumar tearing it up next season
For Barnsley, Dundee or Brescia, maybe.Him and Oumar tearing it up next season
Martinez signed some absolute crap players. Feel bad for this guy. Can't get a game anywhere. Literally just give him back to his club in Uruguay. It's the right thing to do for everyone.