Or 30,000 in Rome 1977, 70,000 London 1978 I could go on but you are just seizing on anything now, how many were involved in that banner you never stop banging on about ? 15,000, 20,000 or maybe one bloke in his front room who took it to the match with a few of his mates... or The Battle of Everton Valley when EFC fans attacked Man Utd described by police as " the worst football violence ever to take place on Merseyside and the most sustained attack on Liverpool police since the Toxteth Riots, " or the 11 Millwall fans stabbed at one match, or etc etc you see I have the internet as well. Also I followed football in the 70's and 80's so do not come with all supporters swapping shirts and buying each other pints before the match, you know the proper supporters till LFC turn up and spoiled everything.