Just a little theory. I am still in a state of shock that for one the Lukaku deal wasn't an "undisclosed fee" and two Bill shelled out £28 million pound. So it had me thinking and I have to admit also at the moment I am of the thought that there is an immense amount of corruption, bribery and financial scandal in the game world wide. So in regards to FFP and Chelsea. I wonder how much of the supposed £28m Bill has paid? Could it have been more like £15m and Chelsea are 'swindling' the books a bit to show a higher income for some of the money that they shell out which is relatively just £10 notes to Roman Abramovich? Just a theory as I am still shocked Bill has paid out that sort of coin!
I've heard £9m over 3 seasons mate.
No idea what's true to be honest. We'll probably never know.