Absolute limbs at ours. The missus had to text the neighbours to apologise. Tom Davies MOTM for me. Up Carlo’s [Poor language removed] smash and grab Toffees!
he’ll be a decent championship player once he matures for sureDavies best game since that City game IMO. I have slated him where he has been abject in much of the interim but hats off, he delivered in spades tonight.
Love these YouTube nonces.
Fair play Everton.......fair play. Although I have drunk many beers tonight, my next one will taste the nicest!!!!!
This... Surprised at the lad.Davies best game since that City game IMO. I have slated him where he has been abject in much of the interim but hats off, he delivered in spades tonight.
Michael Owen is the reason I got rid of BT Sports. I couldnt bear listening to him. He was like watching an apple tart slide off a shovelI’ve got Paul Scholes and Michael Owen carrying on like someone died! lol lol lol
Sniff it you beauts.