Marcel Brands pays no rent inside ye heads
He lives rent free, living his life to the fullest
He lives rent free, living his life to the fullest
It doesn't matter if the zip works at that age, you've earned the right to piss yourself and just carry on about your day.
The architect is at the wheel.
Me too power unbelievable, dream for someone doing that for us
short memory, eh?
We aren't signing anybody are we?
Yeah tick-tock Marcel, only 7 weeks left.Tick Tock Marcel
Anyone as long there is solid reason, but thinking a player is good because they have played for a top club, dosent make them a top player.
They can but its easy to get sucked into thinking just because there not good enough for a top side they might be good enough fo us, which dosent often work. Our best players over the years have come from either good scouting and finding a player from lower down ready to step up, such as Lescott, Jags...etc or spending on known talent such as RicharlisonGood players can come from anywhere.