Disgrace that he's still in a job. Seemingly safe too. Utterly diabolical by our board to keep him here. Reckless. I feel so sorry for those fans who save their extremely hard-earned money to buy ridiculously expensive tickets to watch over indulged millionaires jog around a football field putting in no effort as they know there are no financial repercussions for them, all while this no-mark waste of space excuse for a manager is standing there completely unable to motivate them or even simply encourage them to give their all at least for the fans as that's the very minimum they deserve from these players. If it were possible, which it obviously isn't, I'd genuinely sack them all, the entire squad, the whole backroom team, sack the board and start afresh. Take away our billionaire and start again with a bunch of professionals on the field at least prepared to get a sweat on, and people behind the scenes with a plan and a genuine ability to put that plan into motion. We're an utter shambles, the laughing stock of the division.