Martinez IN Thread

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I've had a good think about this since last night and I don't blame Bobby for the mess we are in. He is what he is. He has his own ideas and sticks by them no matter what.


Why oh why did he think it was ok to give any new manager total control of the playing side of the club. We were 6th best team in the land and first and foremost that status should have been protected. This wasn't like when Moyes was appointed as we were rubbish and needed the overhaul. Also Bobby isn't a Sir Alex or a Jose, he is a manager who had won an FA cup, League 1 title and also diced with relegation for 3 seasons before being relegated. Whoever was involved in these decisions needs a serious kicking. I remember Bill saying when appointing him that he showed him how he beat city in the cup final, wow if that was one of the reasons for giving total control then Bill needs the longest kicking.

I think Bobby is the perfect image for our club, young, handsome, Spanish and perfect shoes. But he should have been put in as part of a team. Everton are bigger than any manager or player and the status of the club should have been protected at all costs. I believe Bobby wanting total control of LFC was the reason he didn't get the job there. His ideas added to what we already had in place could have been exciting for us.

So I've changed my stance slightly now from wanting him sacked to wanting a restructuring of the football side of the club were he isn't in sole control but is still our front man. I honestly believe that the job is too big for him on his own as it should be as we were 6th best in probably the best league in the world. We are too big as a club now to have just one man in charge.

You're using glue, yes? You employ a manager, not a collective. If he's not up to that then he shouldn't be applying for anything...
Don't want to get rid of him, but the 2 next games are going to be crucial. Lose both and he probably has to go, for the sake of the club.

Although I don't think leaving a team that was the 8th best in the Championship has particularly meant he established them as a mid table Premier League side, but there you go.
No worries lid - I'll explain what I mean.

Martinez established a style of play at Swansea that ran throughout the core of the club, from the youth setup to the first team. The success that they've enjoyed since then has been due to this foundation (in my opinion).

He attempted the same with Wigan but was unable to maintain their top flight status and instead signed off with the FA Cup.

His successes prior to joining us are an indication of what could go right (long term sustainable foundation for quality football and winning trophies), but also what could go wrong (club unable to adjust to style of play effectively and consequently falls apart).

These last two seasons have almost been microcosms of Martinez career with a record points total in the Premier League subsequently followed by this arse chocolate of a campaign.

As a result there is plenty of ammunition for both sides of the argument regarding whether or not he should be given more time.

I for one would like to see the Swansea scenario which given the disparity in our club's size should mean a similar difference in our future (heightened) success.

Or we could drop down the leagues faster than Goats mar's knickers.

We will just have to wait and see which scenario plays out (before furiously vaulting each other like the bellends we all are).
You're using glue, yes? You employ a manager, not a collective. If he's not up to that then he shouldn't be applying for anything...

So you'd be happy for anyone to come in and totally change the way the club is run to an unproven way when there was nothing really wrong with it? I'm not saying we should have a director of football as that's the same with one person in charge but there should have been a team above the manager preserving the way the club had been run successfully for years (oh wait we did they are called the board).
Cash Mate...

I bet bills finger is on the trigger but the money side of it is making him ponder!
Every lg place loses us a packed, you can bet bill would have thought top 8 was the least he could expect, so say 15th is going to be a big hole in fianance, can he afford to keep him?
I keep wanting to see him grasp the problems and shake it up, learn from his mistake and be ruthless, but it hasn't happened yet , next two lg games we need at least a bit of passion players fighting over everything like there life depends on it, even if the results don't go for us at least we know they are up for a fight , if he can't get that out of them at least he has to go.
Every lg place loses us a packed, you can bet bill would have thought top 8 was the least he could expect, so say 15th is going to be a big hole in fianance, can he afford to keep him?
I keep wanting to see him grasp the problems and shake it up, learn from his mistake and be ruthless, but it hasn't happened yet , next two lg games we need at least a bit of passion players fighting over everything like there life depends on it, even if the results don't go for us at least we know they are up for a fight , if he can't get that out of them at least he has to go.

When we win europa it'll make up the cash difference

No worries lid - I'll explain what I mean.

Martinez established a style of play at Swansea that ran throughout the core of the club, from the youth setup to the first team. The success that they've enjoyed since then has been due to this foundation (in my opinion).

He attempted the same with Wigan but was unable to maintain their top flight status and instead signed off with the FA Cup.

His successes prior to joining us are an indication of what could go right (long term sustainable foundation for quality football and winning trophies), but also what could go wrong (club unable to adjust to style of play effectively and consequently falls apart).

These last two seasons have almost been microcosms of Martinez career with a record points total in the Premier League subsequently followed by this arse chocolate of a campaign.

As a result there is plenty of ammunition for both sides of the argument regarding whether or not he should be given more time.

I for one would like to see the Swansea scenario which given the disparity in our club's size should mean a similar difference in our future (heightened) success.

Or we could drop down the leagues faster than Goats mar's knickers.

We will just have to wait and see which scenario plays out (before furiously vaulting each other like the bellends we all are).

But this could also prove that it is only possible to lay foundations in the lower leagues as they are rebuilding season on season most of the time.

The PL is a different kettle of fish where you can't do that level of rebuilding each year and you can only make slight adjustments year on year without the mega bucks. This is where he failed with Wigan and is doing so with Everton because you can't establish a style of play without the players to play it.
I have said repeatedly that looking for a manager is a gamble, sadly we are not in the position to get a chosen one.
In Moyes we gambled on a hungry Championship manager, who without argument done this club of ours proud under his tenure. In RM we got a manager who is young and in most ways is different to Moyes as he has a completely different outlook. We gambled with both managers, and with gambles you just don't know what you are getting in the short term.
In RM he surpassed all our expectations in his first season, in his second he has without doubt ripped all optimism we had and even made us fear our Premiership survival.
my view is that with every young manager and player they make mistakes and need to learn from them, at the moment RM is not learning from them and this I think is down this stubbornness and the outlook he has for our club.

I would stick with him, let him get some creativity in the team and some pace. Hopefully start the rebuilding of the team and getting some of the older players to move on. I would expect improvement next year and progress in seeing a younger squad with good depth in the squad.

My fear is we have a core of people who believe we should be challenging the top four, we will not see this for a good few years and for me we have to much to rebuild and not the cash to invest.
My aim next year would to see big improvements and also a challenge for the Europa league

keep him and let him try to build his team and see some of the great football we witnessed last year - But also let's see him rectify mistakes and stubbornness we have witnessed this season
So you'd be happy for anyone to come in and totally change the way the club is run to an unproven way when there was nothing really wrong with it? I'm not saying we should have a director of football as that's the same with one person in charge but there should have been a team above the manager preserving the way the club had been run successfully for years (oh wait we did they are called the board).

No mate, I'm not saying he shouldn't be supported, I'm saying that personally I don't hold much sway in a manager who HAS to come in with a HUGE team behind him. I'd like to think they'd have confidence enough in their own ability. Which, oddly, BOBSY seems to have. But with that ability has to come knack to see when change is required, and that's simply not happening. And he's adamant it won't. And that's terrifying WILLO because how long do you leave it???

When he was appointed I was fine with it, knowing a bit of what he was about, but one quote alarmed me, not verbatim but along the lines of he felt he '...wasn't the man to bring WIGAN back up'. But he took them down?

You're saying 'there's nothing really wrong with the club'?!?!?! Unless I'm misreading you then I'm not sure how you can say that. The whole blame KENWRIGHT thing is bonkers, we're in the best position we've been in for years, finally seem to be getting on the ball merch/hospitality wise, we have spent money and we have the best squad that we've had for YEARS...

Yet the downturn is huge on the previous season. Yeah, I get it, there was always the chance of this, but players who played for him before seem totally unwilling/unable to perform now. Why?

Here's the thing, frankly I can't be arsed with all the palaver of change, interim and otherwise, but if he can't get these performing in the PL then there's a reason...and he has to be accountable.
We are heading for relegation serving up dross.
2 wins in 16 with 9 defeats with these players is shameful
The tactics are insane he has lost it mate.
We stand a better chance with a new man with fresh ideas and playing to the strength of our players.
Martinez reminds me of lambert at villa clueless watching it fall in around him.
Its a gamble whatever bill does but I know where I would put my money.
Yep, it is shameful, but we've got to look at it from a different perspective. We're all hurting, worried and calling for the managers head immediately, but there are no other alternatives who would take the job and guarantee us safety.

Ferguson? Never managed, even more of a gamble than sticking with Martinez.
Royle? Hasn't managed for years, not familiar with the modern game, again a bigger risk than Martinez

Taking off the anti-martinez glasses, the logical option is to keep him until the seasons out, then make a big call in the summer.
But this could also prove that it is only possible to lay foundations in the lower leagues as they are rebuilding season on season most of the time.

Could be true mate.

The only reason I'm willing to give him more time is because of last season.

I've had the briefest of glimpses of what being a top quality, imperious side Is like. A team that can put the best to the sword before nutmegging them, turning around and doing it again.

I want it badly mate and Martinez has come closer to this than anyone else I can remember.

FFS I'm starting to fume again now - this season has been sickening...

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