Bullens Rd
Player Valuation: £35m
Known for about 3 years yet no action taken on it.We have a problem at right back.
Known for about 3 years yet no action taken on it.We have a problem at right back.
buddy read this back it is a really crazy thinking.But he has really only added this to his game over last year. It's like he goes home and practices in his bedroom in front of the mirror how will I look cool on tv. Oh ya I'll add the chewing gum. That will help. Like a 13 year old.
???The wattsap video of him going around is a cause for concern.
Seen flicking through naked pics of Carlo in the changies before hurriedly stuffing them inside his boot bag when the man himself appeared.
why would this be a cause for concern ahaha
why would this be a cause for concern ah
why would this be a cause for concern ahaha
yes buddy morgan has been caught doing the cocaine in the tunnel before a game. this is a good spot.