It was MILES better with Jimmy Hill pontificating to the camera, Bob Wilson with the news and pools, a main match and one or two minor matches. Each game was given enough time to allow the viewer settle into it and glean a true sense of the ebb and flow of the match. Nowadays, it's three minutes a match, five minutes of waffle, rinse, and repeat.
To be fair, MOTD was still good in the Des Lynam days with Alan Hansen. Same format, a few matches, and a goals round up. That is all that's needed.
The Big Match was, in my view, the best of the lot. Brian Moore on presentation and commentary duties, Jim Rosenthal with the news and pools, a bit of a lighter mood, and three regional games. Jeff Wayne's theme tune to top and tail. Perfect.
The official Premier League Review used to be the best of the modern productions - match highlights and no waffle. Simple.