• GrandOldTeam do not endorse any ticket transaction made via our website. All transactions are made at your own risk.

    All online purchases carry some risk. To help mitigate that risk, we recommend;

    • Payment Method. Do not, under any circumstance pay via direct bank transfer. This payment method offers you no protection whatsoever. Once you pay, there no way to reverse the payment and your bank will not refund, or track any money lost. Do your home work on payment methods, understand what, if any protection each offer. As an example, Paypal offers some valuable added protection.

    • Where possible meet face to face, ideally at one of Everton's matches and exchange in person.

    • If a person attempts to communicate via GOT private messaging, texts or other messaging services rather than through an open forum, please be cautious.

    • Use the search function in the thread to see if the poster has offered tickets before, contact via private conversation anyone who appears to have bought from the poster in the past to verify.

    • Check the poster's history on this site - has the poster registered here recently or been here a long time? Have other members have a positive exchange in the past with the poster?

    • If in any doubt, contact a moderator of GrandOldTeam here.


Match Ticket Thread - Spares/Requests - FACE VALUE OR LESS ONLY!

Really struggling for 2 tickets for old Trafford can only meet in preston or manchester as traveling from Glasgow even 1 then we try around the ground
Couple more long shots - if anyone can help with 1 or 2 tickets for the Semi Final or Palace would appreciate it!

Sorted for Palace tickets now, thanks to all that offered to help. Still desperate for semi final tickets if any pop up though.

Hi all - with the semi final coming up there's going to be a lot of people looking for tickets and quite a few offering tickets. Unfortunately some of the people offering tickets may not be genuine, so it's worth remembering the following:

1. All tickets MUST be sold at no more than face value. Requests to receive more than face value, or offers to pay more than face value, will result in your account being suspended.
2. GrandOldTeam do not endorse any ticket transaction made via our website. All transactions made at your own risk.

If you are looking for tickets and someone offers them then it is worth considering the following:


Check the poster's history on this site - has the poster registered here recently or been here a long time? Ask yourself why a poster would just register and offer tickets at face value for such a high demand game?
Use the search function in the thread to see if the poster has offered tickets before, contact via private conversation anyone who appears to have bought from the poster in the past to verify.
Where possible meet face to face, ideally at one of Everton's remaining matches and exchange in person.
Use Paypal rather than direct bank transfer as this offers you slightly more protection in the event of a dispute
If a person asks to communicate by texts or other messaging services rather than through GOT please be cautious

Almost all exchanges from this site have gone smoothly with both parties satisfied with the outcome, but we are aware that the semi final represents an opportunity for criminals to take advantage of people desperate for tickets.

Please remember all exchanges are at your own risk, GOT cannot endorse any ticket transaction.
Last edited:

They put a tick next to your selected age category mate

Ta - although on my three tickets there's no mark indicated against the U21 - no mark made against any of the price categories!
Can't speak for my mate's tickets as not seen them.

Can see it now - my lad goes in on an adult and I get turned away with the concession! :(
Hi all - with the semi final coming up there's going to be a lot of people looking for tickets and quite a few offering tickets. Unfortunately some of the people offering tickets may not be genuine, so it's worth remembering the following:

If you are looking for tickets and someone offers them then it is worth considering the following:

Check the poster's history on this site - has the poster registered here recently or been here a long time? Ask yourself why a poster would just register and offer tickets at face value for such a high demand game?
Use the search function in the thread to see if the poster has offered tickets before, contact via private conversation anyone who appears to have bought from the poster in the past to verify.
Where possible meet face to face, ideally at one of Everton's remaining matches and exchange in person.
Use Paypal rather than direct bank transfer as this offers you slightly more protection in the event of a dispute
If a person asks to communicate by texts or other messaging services rather than through GOT please be cautious

Almost all exchanges from this site have gone smoothly with both parties satisfied with the outcome, but we are aware that the semi final represents an opportunity for criminals to take advantage of people desperate for tickets.

Please remember all exchanges are at your own risk, GOT cannot endorse any ticket transaction.

I once used an Escrow service to buy a couple of festival tickets, where the money gets sent to a third party and only gets released when confirmed that the tickets have been received / are genuine. Delete this if you don't think its appropriate but it could be something for people to think about?

Unfortunately, we've recently been alerted to an issue which we need to make you all aware of.

We've had a ticket exchange thread since 2012 without incident (Well two reported, but both resolved amicably).

Unfortunately, we're pretty certain that one person has very recently signed up and attempting to use the ticket exchange to scam Evertonians.

We've messaged every member we believe received a private message from 'Adam18' (later, 'HannahM') and alerted them to our concerns. We'll also be passing every detail we have of this person (IP address, telephone number, email address) to authorities and other fan sites as we believe this person is targeting fans of all clubs at Wembley every season.

I'm also taking the unusual step to list 'private/personal' account details below, to assist with any search engine search.



A reminder of the very first post in the ticketing exchange thread;

  1. All tickets MUST be sold at no more than face value. Requests to receive more than face value, or offers to pay more than face value, will result in your account being suspended.

  2. GrandOldTeam do not endorse any ticket transaction made via our website. All transactions made at your own risk.

To help mitigate that risk, we recommend;
  • Don't ever pay via direct bank transfer. Use Paypal as this offers some added protection.

  • Where possible meet face to face, ideally at one of Everton's remaining matches and exchange in person.

  • If a person attempts to communicate via GOT private messaging, texts or other messaging services rather than through an open forum, please be cautious.

  • Use the search function in the thread to see if the poster has offered tickets before, contact via private conversation anyone who appears to have bought from the poster in the past to verify.

  • Check the poster's history on this site - has the poster registered here recently or been here a long time? Ask yourself why a poster would just register and offer tickets at face value for such a high demand game?

As @The Esk highlighted;

Almost all exchanges from this site have gone smoothly with both parties satisfied with the outcome, but we are aware that the semi final represents an opportunity for criminals to take advantage of people desperate for tickets.

Please remember all exchanges are at your own risk, GOT cannot endorse any ticket transaction.



Any questions, please send me a message direct.


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