Back when the world started turning upside down I didn't log on here for a couple of days, consumed with news about case rates, filling up hospitals and emptying shelves, for a moment a football forum, in fact football itself seemed inconsequential, a triviality laid bare in the mounting realisation of the vulnerability of our world.
But I did come back, and my family were waiting, because that's what families do.
And when we were all isolated from the people and things we loved I understood how wrong I'd been, and how essential GOT would be in helping us all through this, and I've laughed and liked and argued more than ever. I'll never take this place for granted again, but there's a lot of things on that list ain't there.
It looks like there's an end in sight, and Im looking forward to the day when I can catch up with some of you again for reals, and maybe actually meet some of you for the first time too, and we can finally express that love.....
Merry jingles everyone, and very best wishes to you and your families.
Love all y'all. xx