I have lots of respect for skilled tradesmen. More than society has for me, when with more degrees than a thermometer I could have collected a ruddy fortune in the city doing something useless for some giant corporation, but instead deciding to help build a better society for peanuts.
There is a bit of emperors new clothes in me though. I do absolutely everything in my own house that the law allows. Building work, tiling, plumbing. I've never used a garage for cars - not since I was ripped off as a youngster, and have fully restored and fitted out 2 boats and a camper van conversion. None of it is rocket science. None of it is difficult. None if it is worth a fraction of the prices I've been asked. Nor do I take as long as the professionals I've come across.
Good plastering, however, is beyond me. I acknowledge that, and I'm prepared to pay it to get a result. I was simply drawing the comparison in remuneration.
All of you attack dogs who have come running out to repress my opinion with your fervent indignation need to just pipe down and take a reality check. If a senior teacher has to work a week to pay for a day and a half of your services, you'd better show grovelling gratitude to them next time you're discussing your kids progress, and NEVER question why the quality of education is in a nose dive.