Eco warriors who sneer at others and desperately project their green credentials when they've just gone a bought a brand new hybrid or electric car... ignoring the fact that the manufacture of said new car creates more greenhouse emissions than running an existing car for five years, and also ignoring the fact that the electricity that they charge the car with comes from power stations.
Even more ridiculous are the claims that they are saving money on fuel:
"Oooooh I don't think I've bought any petrol / diesel in about four months now."
"Really? That's pretty good. But how much has your electricity bill gone up by? I mean, you plug it in most nights, right?"
"Oh, I haven't checked my electricity bill."
Yes Granny Tree, I'm talking about you and your silly Mitsubishi PHEV.
Even more ridiculous are the claims that they are saving money on fuel:
"Oooooh I don't think I've bought any petrol / diesel in about four months now."
"Really? That's pretty good. But how much has your electricity bill gone up by? I mean, you plug it in most nights, right?"
"Oh, I haven't checked my electricity bill."
Yes Granny Tree, I'm talking about you and your silly Mitsubishi PHEV.