Bought a car last night for a decent price at a big car supermarket, sale went great, like the motor. But when it came to part-exing my existing vehicle the bloke wouldn't give me a cup of tea for it, started in with a load of bolloxology about the Boss would prob offer me a £100 for it, it's so difficult sticking cars into auction nowadays (aye, right), and I'd be best off just selling privately. So I said fine, which produced some back-tracking, but he still wouldn't go over £300.
Now we're not talking about a high end motor here - 7 year old exeo estate with 140,000 miles on it, but I've seen good condition ones go for £1500+ on ebay as the 1.9L TDi goes forever, so thought half that would be realistic partex for my dented version.
Never sold a car privately before so will have to roll it out onto ebay or autotrader and see what happens. Not even fuming really, just don't know the used car game so don't understand the salesman's incentives.