Player Valuation: £70m
I like a Maroon 5 song. Fuming with myself.
When people write words in sentences in all capitals to EMPHASISE a point.
Got a little bit of money to spend on myself for Xmas and I fancy a new hoody. It's ages since I've bought any clothes for myself and I'm finding the sizes to be ridiculously small. I'm not a big guy but I have quite a broad chest. Seems like even XL these days is made for quite a slim build.
Anyone else find this?
Christmas Eve they had them in The Asda. I did look for Easter eggs but without success. Won't be too long.Hot Cross buns in my supermarket...I haven't finished the mince pies yet
couldn't you leave your bin in a similar position on their driveway...might make them think next time. Plus if they end up throwing it though your window it gives you the green light to follow suit.
I have a similar beef my neighbour, we share a double driveway and I park my car as far on my side as possible while they park their two cars with a massive gap to the wall of their house. Its technically still on their side of the drive but means I cant get my bicycle through the gap without lifting it over the wing mirrors as I pass which annoys me every time...all they got to do is park closer to the wall.
the thing is Liverpool isn’t even cold enough to justify wearing one . MuppetsThe amount of canada goose wearing, quiffed, bearded knobheads in Nandos.
Bloody clones, where has originality gone?
This pisses me off a lot more than it should do.Hot Cross buns in my supermarket...I haven't finished the mince pies yet
Is Canada Goose a Liverpool thing ?The amount of canada goose wearing, quiffed, bearded knobheads in Nandos.
Bloody clones, where has originality gone?
You haven't been looking hard enough.Christmas Eve they had them in The Asda. I did look for Easter eggs but without success. Won't be too long.