Player Valuation: £750k
Not me, but this fellow certainly was fuming…..
i'm living vicariously through this man
Not me, but this fellow certainly was fuming…..
Koppite dogs.beagle
Blame the wife, i was guilted into rescuing him.Koppite dogs.
Hi Jim.Koppite dogs.
Hello Carlos. What is the best dog?Hi Jim.
Take it from me, never get "suckered" in by "old dears" - I have learned that lesson several timesWas at the hospital earlier and went to pay for my parking and seen an older gentleman looking a bit confused at how to work the machine. I helped him put his ticket in and as he fumbled around to count his change to pay i tapped my card and paid his parking, my good deed done for the day.
2 minutes later im driving out of the car park and the barrier won't open so i reverse back and go to drive out the next lane only for the car behind to race ahead and refuse to let me in. It was the same gentleman whos parking i paid for and to make it worse he was driving what looked like a very expensive brand new jaguar.
Springer spaniel follow by cocker spaniel.Hello Carlos. What is the best dog?
Just get @tommye to cut your foot off, easy peaseyThe convoluted ways of the medical system. Last few years I've had a dull ache on the top of my foot which would get worse when I'd gone for a long walk and kicking a footy was becoming more and more painful. So just before xmas I booked an appointment directly to see a podiatrist, first available one was February she examines my foot and sends me for xray and ultrasound and turns out I've got a "talonavicular ganglion cyst" (leaking joint fluid from an old injury). Refers me to a surgeon with instructions to cut it out and I've got an appointment next week. All good.
Get a phone call from the surgery this afternoon telling me that the referral from the podiatrist isn't good enough on its own and I'll also need a GP referral (not the surgerys fault but whichever propeller head makes these rules). I originally went straight to a podiatrist to skip wasting my time and money seeing my GP as all they would do is refer me to the podiatrist anyway. Annoyed.
You'll be wanting business class at worst too I bet. Cut my foot off and bum me senselessHe pays for my flights and I'm there