People like this nugget I encountered today. To paint the picture, it was my last delivery of the day, (90 ish today), and to a flat in a posh block that has a security buzzer thing.
The accepted practice for 99% of the residents is to help delivery drivers get access, so their parcel can be delivered if they are out. If that makes sense. So never had a problem getting in, usually.
Anyrate, get out of my van with a large box, as some bloke, suit, tie, youngish, is coming out , so I say to him, "Hi mate, could you hold the door for me please?"
He doesnt. Pushes the door shut.
"We cant have all sorts in there you know", says the plum.
"Sake mate, just trying to do my job here"
"Whatever" he sneers. "You will have to hope they are in wont you, *giggle*"
I punch in the door code that unlocks the door anyrate, jump in the lift as he comes back in, (was going to the bin), and starts to ask me "Er, could you hold the......"
Lift to the second floor, deliver parcel, then send lift to the 8th floor, and bound down the stairs to see him still waiting for it.
"Sorry mate, pressed the wrong floor on the lift, see ya."
tldr, I know.