Because big business has adopted this, and big business steers our morals in the modern world, are we allowed to fat shame again now?
Because big business has adopted this, and big business steers our morals in the modern world, are we allowed to fat shame again now?
Carlos my friend how are you?Yo toffee.
Good today mate.Carlos my friend how are you?
Ya know ... shame people who choose to ingest more calories than they choose to burn off on a regular basis? We've had a generation of people who get angry/sobbing if you mention it. The result is loads of fat people everywhere you look - bad for them, bad for the NHS etc.What?
Ya know ... shame people who choose to ingest more calories than they choose to burn off on a regular basis? We've had a generation of people who get angry/sobbing if you mention it. The result is loads of fat people everywhere you look - bad for them, bad for the NHS etc.
I mean, it's wrong to discriminate about things people have no choice over, but where there's choice and it affects their health, NHS resources, space for others in the bus/plane/cinema etc. and they don't know they're on the wrong path ...things should be said. In case they don't know.
I'm a bit podgier than I'd like to be. I'd have no problem if people mentioned it from time to time to help me resist that extra pie etc.
Missing the match.Carlos my friend how are you?
@Goat hope you didn't have any holidays booked.