I know the
@micknick takes outrage at suggesting Walsh spunked vast sums, but he did make some good signings IMO.
Pickford is a good keeper, I know he has his knockers, but 30m is a decent price, if he can cut out the errors and focus a bit more, which lets face it he cant, but still, thats a hit for me.
Keggers for 25m? At a time when slabhead Maquire is having bids of 70m turned down, a very good purchase.
Iceland for 45m, very over priced and im a big, big fan of the Viking prince, but still very much a hit for me.
RATFINK, Henry and Vlasic for a combined 30m, very astute purchases, all 3 very talented boys and whilst I cant see any making it here, I doubt we will lose dough on them.
Calorie Loser for 1.5m, an utter steal, lets be honest, despite his shortcomings, its utterly shamelessly nothing money.
Gana for 7m.
Then theres the likes of Adrienennian, Gibson and Bowler, who we really dont know.
Everybody else was an obscene waste of money and wages.