Better noise dampening and equalisation while still being able to easily control the sound input/output levels, to go with an easier setup.
TV setup is with brooches that cost a lot, earpieces that cost a lot, are wireless and you need to put them on someone physically which takes time to go with the money for the setup. Also they have the bonus of having a sound engineer monitor it most the time and acoustics in the studio being setup so you hear the people in it.
Radio setup is "put headphones on, say "test test 1-2-3 ts ts ts ts" and you're ready to go, the only downside being it's a static setup. You get to hear your voice (if you want to), the other guests/host's voice(s) as you would on radio - clearly and not in an audio blasting in the studio as they're usually just sound dampened anyway, and also get instructions for ads/breaks etc.
TV reporters filming on location also have a bunch of hardware you don't see as it's under coats and all and have to travel with someone who knows how to set it all up, usually the operator, FWIW.
Also what
@Prevenger17 said - I was in IT in a huge media company and we setup the hardware side of things and basically got told why the rest is done in laymen's terms lol